How do we find our way toward a more equal and less oppressive future?
Drawing from pre-selected texts, Exiting the 21st Century: Tracing How We Got Here is a three-part workshop series which aims to pause and reflect on the times we live in. In this second session, we'll be reading the work of Camille Paglia and Aimé Césaire to discuss the subject of colonialisms (in its various forms) as well as practicing a gender-free walking meditation to challenge ourselves with questions of what it would be like to exist without the identity we carry throughout our lives. The session will close with a screening of Chilean artist Voluspa Jarpa's The Emancipating Opera.
Hosted by Busra Erkara and takes place in ‘Connect.’
Reading materials will be provided upon signing up, and we will read the texts together during the session. Please arrive promptly at 18:50 so we can start reading together.
The book club is open to all those interested. While we encourage participation in all three sessions, you are more than welcome to join for just one session if you wish.
Reserve your free tickets here.